BC April 2019 New Feature - Field Importance

In the April 2019 update the personalisation options are extended to include the ability to define the importance of fields.


In the April 2019 update the personalisation options are extended to include the ability to define the importance of fields.

Some fields are needed only occasionally, while others are so important that business users need them visible at all times.

Fields on record and document pages can now be personalized to adjust whether they are hidden until choosing Show more or are displayed in the FastTab summary when the FastTab is collapsed.

Combined with the ability to move, hide, and show fields, this provides maximum flexibility to optimize each page for readability.

Clicking a field in a FastTab summary will conveniently expand the FastTab and focus on that field.

What does this mean for me?

If you have Business Central online then this update will appear during April 2019.

Further Information

If you have any questions about or need assistance in planning for this change then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or servicedesk@gccgroup.co.uk