Business Central - Predict Late Payments

Business Central has an Artificial Intelligence function to Predict Late Payments from your Customer.


Business Central has an Artificial Intelligence function to Predict Late Payments from your Customer.

What does it look like?

Within the customer ledger entry screens (e.g. outstanding balance) you can add in (via Personalisation) 3 additional fields

Late Payment                   Indicates whether the payment for the invoice is predicted to be late.

Prediction Confidence        Indicates how reliable you should consider the prediction to be. High means that the prediction is at least 90% sure, Medium is between 80 and 90%, and Low is below 80%

Prediction Confidence %    Shows the actual percentage behind the confidence rating.

Also, you can see what the prediction is when you are raising sales documents (quotes, orders and invoices) by using “Actions – Predict Payment”

The more data you have in terms of invoices and payments the more accurate the predictions become

How do I get this?

If the fields are not present in your BC you can add the extension by adding the Extension through the Extension Marketplace – it is called “Late Payment Prediction” and it’s from Microsoft

Further Information

If you have any questions about this or need assistance then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0345 260 1151 or