PowerBI Export to PowerPoint Generally Available

The ability to export your PowerBI reports to PowerPoint is now officially released


Well it has been in preview mode for what seems like forever but finally the ability to export your PowerBI reports to PowerPoint is now officially released.

Microsoft have also added a few more things to the roadmap:

Export to PDF

Scheduled Email Subscriptions

Scheduled Email Attachment Support

Scheduled Emails to users within and outside of your Organisation

What does this mean for me?

Having more options to export and schedule your reports will allow you to create management and KPI reports that will automatically get to the right people at the right times without them needing to log into PowerBI.

These updates will automatically deploy to your cloud PowerBI service as they become available.

Further Information

If you have any questions about or need assistance in planning for this change then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or servicedesk@gccgroup.co.uk