Did you really mean to do that?

Restoring files in OneDrive from an accidental delete


Just in case a user gets trigger happy with the delete button when using OneDrive and accidentally erases a bunch of files there is a new feature arriving in a February update.

Whenever someone deletes more than 200 synced OneDrive or SharePoint files at once from their device, the OneDrive sync client will prompt the user to confirm it was intentional. If it was accidental, the user can tap Restore Files to bring them back, otherwise tapping remove will delete them as usual.

What does this mean for me?

There is nothing to do to prepare as the update will just come to your Office 365 during February.

Further Information

If you have any questions about this or need assistance then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or servicedesk@gccgroup.co.uk