OneDrive - Renaming items with invalid characters

When OneDrive can't sync a file or folder because its name contains invalid characters, OneDrive can sometimes rename it for you


Sometimes files are not able to sync to OneDrive because they have illegal characters in the name of the file, or in the name of the folder the file is in. OneDrive is rolling out an automated fix suggestion that will help users rename the problematic files on Windows and Mac, and thus resolve the sync issue around them.

When OneDrive can't sync a file or folder because its name contains invalid characters, OneDrive can sometimes rename it for you. Just select the Rename button in the notification you receive.

The option to automatically rename files and folders appears only for names with the following issues:

  • Names beginning or ending with a space
  • Names beginning or ending with a period
  • Names containing unsupported Unicode code points
  • Names with surrogate pair issues

During a rename, OneDrive replaces each invalid character with an underscore. For example, a file named .file for syncing would be renamed to _file for syncing.

What does this mean for me?

This will gradually roll this out to all customers in mid-April, and complete by the end of April 2019.

Further Information

If you have any questions about or need assistance in planning for this change then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or