CE Unified Interface to become the default interface

CE Unified Interface is to become the default interface for all users


v9 of CE introduced the new Unified Interface (UI) which is a single web responsive design for any screen size whether desktop or device. It also brought in features like interactive dashboards. From October 2018 the UI will be the default experience for any new CE customers and Microsoft are working towards making it the default for everyone.


What does this mean for me?

At the moment the UI still lacks some of the functionality that you get in the current browser version, such as Advanced Find, Bulk Edit, Merging and also the navigation needs a revamp to be a little easier to use. The October release fixes some of these issues.

At this moment it’s to just be aware that this is happening and that GCC will be in touch about planning to move you onto the new UI once the October release has filtered through.

Further Information

If you have any questions about or need assistance in planning for this change then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or servicedesk@gcc.co.uk