CRM now has the ability to arrange your opportunity pipeline into a Kanban view.


CRM now has the ability to arrange your opportunity pipeline into a Kanban view.

A Kanban view arranges the records into “swim lanes” allowing you to quickly see which opportunities are at what stage and then move these opportunities between stages.

You can also edit the fields on the record cards from this view

The swim lanes can be controlled by either Status or the Business Process Flow Stages

You can drag a card from one lane to another

For example, if you drag an open opportunity to the Won lane then the close opportunity dialog pops up so you can complete the win.

How can I do this?

This comes as part of the 2020 Wave 1 version update.  To enable the Kanban view you need to be a system administrator and in customisations add the Kanban control to the entity.

Further Information

If you have any questions about or need assistance then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or