CRM - Knowledge Article Search

A knowledge article search option has been added to the menu in CRM, plus the KBA options on a case have changed slightly.


A knowledge article search option has been added to the menu in CRM, plus the KBA options on a case have changed slightly.

The knowledge base search menu option looks like the below, selecting the menu option then searching gives the article on the right

Within a case your options are to search (defaults to the case title to speed things up) and then the icon set allows you to either

Just link the article to the case

Pop out the article into a separate window

Link to a case but also raise an email to the case person and have the article as the body of the email

How do I get this?

If you are using the unified interface, then it will appear within the Customer Service Hub and cases.  If you are using a custom app then you may need to add the Knowledge search option to your menu.

Further Information

If you have any questions about this or need assistance then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0845 260 1151 or