D365 Marketing - Segment Template Lists

Dynamics 365 Marketing – A list of the different segment templates you can create


Dynamics 365 Marketing – A list of the different segment templates you can create

How do I use this?

Within Dynamics 365 Marketing when you create a new target segment you are presented with a long list of possible template options that pre-populate the filter choices to speed up building the segment

To help narrow down your choices we have created an excel and categorised them to areas they relate to enable you to see the relevant ones

The Areas we’ve used are listed below and what they are related to

Contact        Fields from the contact record

Email            Email interactions e.g. people that opened or clicked on an email

Event           Event invites or attendance etc

Forms           Submitted info on a landing page

Journey        Things that happen in a journey

Lead             Fields from a lead

Marketing     From a Marketing List

As your classifications may be different to ours then you can download the excel from here and you can create your own (download link)

Don’t forget you can create your own templates by using the Save as Template (note segment must not be Live to be able to save as template)

Further Information

If you have any questions about this or need assistance then please contact the GCC Group Support Team on 0345 260 1151 or servicedesk@gccgroup.co.uk